Freshwind Farm is located at
2749 Hatch Lake Rd.
Eaton, NY 13334-3231
Telephone: (315) 263-1198
Google Maps now has an accurate address for Freshwind
Farm! Please feel free to use their directions as needed.

From the North or West:
1) Take State Rt. 20 East to the town of Nelson
2) Turn right onto Erieville Rd.: go 4.9 miles
3) Turn left onto Eatonbrook Rd: go 2.8 miles
4) Turn right onto Hatch Lake Rd. just across the small bridge.
5) Freshwind Farm is .7 of a mile on the right
From the South:
1) Take Rt 80 East to the Village of New Woodstock
2) Turn left onto Damon Rd.
3) Damon Rd. becomes Eatonbrook Rd. at a stop sign in the village of Erieville.
Proceed straight through the intersection.
4) Turn right on Hatch Lake Rd.
5) Freshwind Farm is .7 of a mile on the right
From the East:
1) Take State Rt. 20 West to the town of Nelson
2) Turn left onto Erieville Rd.: go 4.9 miles
3) Turn left onto Eatonbrook Rd.: go 2.8 miles
4) Turn right onto Hatch Lake Rd.
5) Freshwind Farm is .7 of a mile on the right